Gluten Free and No Added Sugar!


The line Gluten Free by Sottolestelle, today has a great news!

A new delicious flavor: the Sunflowers Lemon and Ginger with No Added Sugar, characterized by a sweet and fresh taste given by a natural sweetener: Erythritol

But what is Erythritol?

It is a polyol* that we can find in nature in fruits and other vegetable foods from which the extraction takes place thanks to the microbial fermentation by selected yeasts.

Ours, precisely, is extracted from corn.

*Polyols are hydrogenated carbohydrates used as sweeteners instead of sugar. Interest in their consumption has recently increased due to their potential health benefits. They are non-cariogenic or acariogenic, have a low glycemic index and insulin index (useful in obesity and diabetes), have a low energy value, are digested more slowly and have osmotic properties (hydration of the colon, with laxative and depurative).

Why choose it over other sweeteners?

There are plenty of alternatives to sugar. Let’s take for example the fructose, which compared to common sugar has a higher sweetening power and a lower glycemic index, but is otherwise metabolized: excessive consumption affects the increase in visceral fat, dangerous for the body.

Altra alternativa molto comune è il Maltitolo, dal parziale assorbimento intestinale deriva il suo potere lassativo: la parte che non viene digerita richiama acqua nell’intestino e inoltre, anche se è possibile riportare la dicitura “senza zuccheri aggiunti” nei prodotti che lo contengono, la percentuale assorbita viene metabolizzata trasformandosi in zuccheri semplici. L'Eritritolo, a differenza degli altri ha meno effetti lassativi perché assorbito per il 90% a livello intestinale. Non ha calorie e non influenza la glicemia.

Another very common alternative is Maltitol, from the partial intestinal absorption derives its laxative power: the part that is not digested attracts water in the intestine and also, although it is possible to mention the words "no added sugar" in the products containing it, the absorbed percentage is metabolized into simple sugars. Erythritol, unlike the others, has less laxative effects because it is absorbed by 90% at the intestinal level. It has no calories and does not affect blood sugar.

Main features:

  • It is Organic and Vegan;
  • It has an excellent fresh and delicate flavor;
  • It has glycemic index and insulin index equal to ZERO, therefore suitable for diabetic subjects;
  • Reduces blood glucose levels;
  • It does not cause digestive problems (frequent problems related to this category of sweeteners);
  • Does not favor dental caries;

Our Sunflowers with No Added Sugar

After some research, Sottolestelle has formulated an excellent recipe:

Sunflowers Lemon and Ginger No Added Sugar!

The sweetness of Oats, the aroma of ginger and lemon and the friability of the pastry make this biscuit irresistible! The result of years of study and research, this recipe made of a few selected ingredients adapts to every lifestyle. The absence of milk, eggs, gluten and sugar does not penalize the taste of the biscuit that, thanks to lemon juice and ginger powder, remains tasty!


  • No added sugar
  • organic
  • sottolestelle
  • erythritol
  • gluten
  • oats
  • lemon
  • ginger